Our York Interiors photographer shows off an Edwardian Semi

This is dream house sort of stuff. Stunning south facing garden, beautiful original features, (mostly) fantastic light and elegant interior design. Another one of the type of properties our York interiors photographer loves to photograph.

There's no doubt about it, white/neutral walls make a house easier to photograph. Bouncing light off pale walls is as easy as pie for someone with years of experience in the game. And the photographs usually look pretty good. Sometimes though a bit of colour, and the challenges that brings to photographers can set a house apart and really make it sing. This period property had a great mix of both neutrals and strong colours. The results speak for themselves showing a house with soul and character.

The North/South facing orientation of this property did throw up some real challenges for an interiors photographer. While the South facing rooms at the rear were filled with lots of fantastic sunshine the rooms at the opposite side of the house were not. A building opposite the front was receiving the sun's full force and reflecting orangey light back into these North facing rooms. The task here was to retain enough detail in the windows themselves so that you could still make out the pretty timber frames but not the building opposite. The rooms also required large quantities of added light to reduce the high contrast range, all while trying to keep the scene looking natural. This is where an experienced, professional interiors photographer really pays off. Consistently good results, against the odds.

It was also important here to provide some narrative to the type of lifestyle the building afforded. Shots that didn't necessarily show off the space available, but revealed interesting details of features and day to day life for anyone lucky enough to call this home.

Below are some of the images from the shoot.


Tilt Shift Lenses - What are they and what do they do?


Shot of the Day